
Posts Tagged ‘Market’

Autumn bliss

I found the farmer’s market yesterday. It’s in a hall near Canterbury West train station and it’s very small but the produce are well chosen and nicely presented. There’s also a restaurant there that looks promising, I’m sure I’ll be tempted to give it a try one of these days. I’ve already roasted the figs in the oven and eaten them with a mix of ricotta and honey. I also sliced the courgettes and cooked them in a pan with the lid on until they started to get soft, then added onions and garlic, and later just a squeeze of lemon juice and a bit of mint before eating them on a slice of bread. As for the squash, I’ve doomed it to one of Fearnley-Whittingstall’s recipes. I think I’ll enjoy the soup tonight… The chestnuts come from a tree close to the house, but I don’t think they’re quite ready yet. I just became jealous of all the squirrels that take them away one by one to hide them in secret places and thought I’d have my own share of them.

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